Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There is an activity which I loved and now has become somewhat of a chore...what to do...

Monday, December 28, 2009

king of the forest

He sings, "if I were king of the foreeeeeest," Cowardly Lion style in the Emerald City. Mikey is a small energetic nearly four year old and would be king of the forest...He got up several times just during lunch because of course this line must be sung while standing, arms extended, chest out.
I really miss Tree Hams, really really.
We are edging closer to January, anyone the type for resolution? I am typical that way, waning by my birthday...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

"if i keep training, soon i'll be able to lick my elbow." rosie
Leaving the house for the first time in days...wee!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"It's not gross to me if it's nasty because I'm a little boy." Mikey re: the way fruit tastes after brushing teeth.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh! The tree looks so pretty...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

naptime for babies at the shannon household, mommies too if they all fall to sleep...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mike is packing and the kids are tearing up the playroom. A week in LA for work.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It is zero or less outside: brutal. I am going for groceries anyway, so wish me superpower non-texan snow driving skills. Thanks.
Time for a shower before it's too late. "Mommy, you do not look pretty." Mikey

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just for ref: what are your ten y/o, fifth graders household responsibilities/ chores?
At Rosie's school they have "red flag" day if it is under 5F. No recess. Yep, it's under 5, so now I like snow only if you can go outside.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why it is worth all the work

When morning comes, there are a few brief moments to myself before someone comes with needing. Just a few moments to oneself before everything begins to flutter down the stairwell calling for mother. One must wash and brush and dress, put the face on...
maybe check some mail and tidy the kitchen.

But soon there is a voice, "mommy," drifting down the stairs, or louder, the eager stomp of a 13 year old boxer in need of some relief. Oddly enough, it is guaranteed that a second call will come from the awakening mouths of babes before the first need is completely remedied.

So it goes. Something is always left half done: a pile of bills, a stack of dishes, a basket of laundry, an email or twitter, for the more urgent call of a wet diaper or a hungry belly.

The most important part of keeping everything going is not to repeat work. When getting one outfit from the closet...I get all 3. I just do it even if they are not all awake because sooner or later I will have to walk back upstairs carrying someone.

Unloading the dishwasher? Leave out dishes for the next meal. Brushing one childs' teeth? Get them all in there at once. Fixing one drink? Fix 3.

Anyway, this is all beside the point: my day is like a furious ball of work that starts with just one little thing and before I know it there are 3 kids playing on the kitchen floor behind a certain "line" in the tile I call the "hot line" so I can see them and cook dinner without any airlifts to the burn center. Rosie is helping with dishes or dinner or dutifully rolling toys back across. She is the only child allowed on both sides.

Unfortunately for her, I do not think the reward for all the hard work is found in the same place. Her reward is of course deposited by automatic funds transfer into a savings account each pay period. If you ask her the for balance of her allowance savings account, she will be accurate within $5.

When morning comes there are a few brief moments to myself in which I usually reflect on my many blessings. The work is, well, work. There is no real pleasure in laundry or dishwashing of this capacity. Cooking is okay.

The only thing that makes all of the tedious bits not hard is the blessings of the childrens' voices and smiles and movements. The moments of realization of a new learned task or movement or word. I get to see all of that.

Anyway, Tatya is crying for me. Time to go.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Mom, who's the bad guy with the pretty hair that hurt Harry Potter?" Mikey
"Lucious Malfoy" Rosie

Friday, December 4, 2009

Obvious: do not give your email address to bath and body works if you are not the one who likes their smell good stuff.
bitter cold: find myself delaying the trip outside to get wrapping paper from the garage...
Looking for a laptop for Mike although a netbook would do if it had a decent size screen. Luckily he is not spoiled for life on an Apple.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We made shortbread cookies to ice tomorrow and Sat. thinking of mom and dad tonight...brothers and sisters too.
Okay, I know this is selfish and lazy, but could someone please startup a paper/cappuccino cart early morning delivery service? Thanks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

my eyes are burning and I cannot wake up, I have to find R.'s jersey by 3;snowed a little, freeze doily snowflake porch decor?bake cookies?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is this the day of rest? We have mostly decorated, and will probably take some pictures today, pick them up tomorrow...
yawn. good morning...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

@Oscar and Michaela, R. arrived safe and sound, on time even; she loves you both very much: ) O-hang in there. Skype tonight?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

watching martha make pretty pies; will I save all the unbroken pecans to lay decoratively on top? will I trim the berry pie w/100 leaves? No

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am just a big baby about having a cold: all of the real babies were more composed than I am about the sore throat, body aches, etc.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

runny nose coughing aching stuffy head, and Rosie flies to Mexico tomorrow

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Mom, I did it 'cause I'm bad, Michael Jackson bad." Mikey
OK, Coco: good is$1.50 for coffee/energy drin 15oz; bad is going on payday like Stacy pointed out

Saturday, November 14, 2009

the commissary is good; i do not hate the commissary; the commissary is good; i do not hate the commissary;the commissary is good;

Friday, November 13, 2009

Finally: garage finished w/fastback in it; essentials unboxed; curtains up; clothes hung; new washer,dryer in bsmnt; now...It's NOVEMBER?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just looked out the window and counted 30 antelope in the lawn, trying to munch through the snow. "Animals eat poop." Tommy.
I try to write something ans a screen goes up between what I am really experiencing and what I can put down. Like being in the store and not being able to remember the list.
Keep fingers crossed that the cable/internet is really working, and "you know, these old houses," is not a reasonable explanation.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Mommy, she said yes by peekaboo," Mikey.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Still boxes in every room, 3 babies need flu shots, have to get groceries TODAY or else, missed several family birthdays, need coffee...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I see the light, really soon; i will sit and relax and order school pics, no more unpacking for today

Thursday, October 8, 2009

We are here in the big house, sitting on the floors waiting for Dad to get bag with food and beds. It snowed today; movers deliver tomorrow

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Snow in the forecast. Tomorrow they load and Friday deliver. What do I do with the kids now? High is 35....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

They packed the whole bottom floor; it took all day so the kids and I stayed away. Tomorrow the next half, in the new has by weekend?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why is Tatya such an early riser? She is watching the car shows with Daddy...I am not.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ritz makes cinnamon crackers and Tatya takes great baby joy in crumpling the brown sleeve and waving it about

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Best wishes to Lise and her hubby. Good to hear from you, dear. I bet you would like winter here...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tommy and Tatya on the floor with fat little pencils, yellow hot wheels, barbie with the wings and pink hair and the circus car from Thomas.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Library computer on the children's floor. Large font, clicky keyboard, and babies welcome.

Long lost Mom

There are so many times I wanted to update for you guys but imagine keeping the house ready to show at any second without somehow abusing the three babies. Yea, some things we choose over others.

1. We got a firm renter lined up for the 4th Ave. house. This means we move soon: next Wednesday through Friday.

2. Rosie and Mikey are doing indoor soccer on the base. I like this. No wind, cold etc., dragging Tatya out into the freezing so I won't let Rosie down by being the mom who stays in the car.

3. Tommy is progressing in leaps and bounds (literally running, climbing, jumping), talking in sentences and asking for thinks clearly. Last night he couldn't sleep and came upstairs asking for "paper, Mommy, paper" so I gave him paper and pen and got him cozy on the couch. "Making my letters," he explained.

4. Tatya will not be encouraged to motor around very easily. I work with her standing, but she is not interested in crawling. She just lifts her arms into the air and says, "Up."
She never turns down food. Ever. She has four teeth now, too (photos soon, after we move, promise).

5. Mikey rides his bike like a champ! We rode to the library this weekend it was awesome. He knows to stop and wait at the corner, how to take bumps and use the coaster brake.
Good morning.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Watched the whole thing on National Parks (PBS) tonight...Makes you want to go to Yellowstone esp. living in WY
Okay, 3's a charm. Going for less duplication.
Now I think I have this working (thanks Rolando).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009